Saturday, November 30, 2013

What is SEARCH Process in TSM?

Specifies whether the server searches the library to find volumes that were not checked in. This parameter is optional. The default is NO.

Possible values are:
No:     Specifies that only the named volume is checked into the library. 
For SCSI libraries: The server issues a request to have the volume inserted into a cartridge slot in the library or, if available, into an entry port. The cartridge slot or entry port is identified by its element address. For 349X libraries: The volume could already be in the library, or you could put it into the I/O station when prompted.

Yes:   Specifies that the server searches the library for volumes to be checked in. You can use the VOLRANGE or VOLLIST parameter to limit the search. When using this parameter, consider the following 

          If the library is shared between applications, the server could examine a volume required by another application. For 349X libraries, the server queries the library manager to determine all volumes that are assigned to the SCRATCH or PRIVATE category and to the INSERT category.
For SCSI libraries, do not specify both SEARCH=YES and
CHECKLABEL=NO in the same command.

Bulk: Specifies that the server searches the library's entry/exit ports for volumes that can be checked in automatically. This option only applies to SCSI libraries.

Notes: 1. Do not specify both CHECKLABEL=NO and SEARCH=BULK.

             2. You can use the VOLRANGE or VOLLIST parameter to limit the Search


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