Monday, December 30, 2013

Give examples of the SerDe classes whihc hive uses to Serializa and Deserilize data ?

Hive currently use these SerDe classes to serialize and deserialize data: 

  1. MetadataTypedColumnsetSerDe: This SerDe is used to read/write delimited records like CSV, tab-separated control-A separated records (quote is not supported yet.) 
  2. ThriftSerDe: This SerDe is used to read/write thrift serialized objects. The class file for the Thrift object must be loaded first. 
  3. DynamicSerDe: This SerDe also read/write thrift serialized objects, but it understands thrift DDL so the schema of the object can be provided at runtime. Also it supports a lot of different protocols, including TBinaryProtocol, TJSONProtocol, TCTLSeparatedProtocol (which writes data in delimited records). 


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